Welcome to AMI Testimonials, a platform dedicated to sharing inspiring stories of transformation, faith, and triumph from individuals whose lives have been touched by the ministry of Apostles John and Sarah Bunjo.

At AMI Testimonials, we believe in the power of personal experiences to uplift, encourage, and strengthen others on their spiritual journey. Through firsthand accounts of encounters with the ministry, we aim to showcase the life-changing impact of God’s grace and the transformative work of His servants.

Join us as we journey through testimonies of healing, deliverance, restoration, and breakthrough, witnessing the miraculous hand of God at work in the lives of His people. Whether it’s a story of overcoming adversity, finding hope in despair, or experiencing the joy of salvation, each testimony serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration to all who hear it.

Through AMI Testimonials, we invite you to connect with the living testimonies of God’s faithfulness and to be encouraged in your own walk of faith. As you listen to these stories of God’s goodness and provision, may you be strengthened in your belief, encouraged in your struggles, and inspired to continue pressing forward in the journey of faith.

Stay tuned for upcoming testimonies and be prepared to be uplifted, encouraged, and transformed by the power of God’s love and grace. AMI Testimonials: Where lives are touched, hearts are healed, and faith is renewed.

Abigail Ministries Empowers Family in Mityana

Abigail Ministries recently reached out to the Waliigo family, pastors in a local church in Kassejjere village, Mityana. The Waliigos, comprising Mr. and Mrs. Waliigo and their four children, faced daunting challenges upon relocating to Mityana in 2013…