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Bearing witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God

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Advancing the well-being of all humanity

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Advancing the Kingdom of God

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Addressing the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of women

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Advancing inclusive economies

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Apostle Dr. Sarah Bunjo

Founder AMI

Abigail Ministry International (AMI) is inspired by the biblical Abigail, who displayed courage, wisdom, and compassion. Her grace and resourcefulness in a crisis inspired the organization’s founding. “1 Samuel 25:3”

Abigail Ministry International (AMI) seeks to uplift and reposition women by promoting qualities such as wisdom, compassion, and resilience in their lives and roles in society.

Abigail Ministry International (AMI) runs programs to empower young women and promote their well-being. Each program addresses specific needs and challenges faced by women.

The organisation provides resources and support to create lasting change in women’s lives and their communities worldwide.

Here’s a detailed look at each program:

Queens Ministry

Queens Ministry is committed to uplifting women by offering the tools, resources, and support needed for …

Dorcas Ministry

Dorcas Ministry is a caring program inspired by Dorcas (Tabitha) from the Bible, known for her kindness. We follow…

Sarah and Hagar

The Sarah and Hagar Program is inspired by the story of Abraham’s two wives, Sarah and Hagar. Their story teaches us …

Prophetess Anna

The Prophetess Anna Program is inspired by Anna from the Bible, who prayed and spoke about Jesus. Based on …

Mother Twin

Mother Twin Ministry is inspired by Abraham and Sarah, whose names were changed by God to show their future as parents…

Esther Ministry

Esther Ministry helps and supports pastors’ wives. Named after Queen Esther, known for her courage and leadership…

Deborah Ministry

Deborah Ministry is named after Judge Deborah from the Bible, known for her courage and wisdom. We help women…

AMI Corporate Ladies

The AMI Corporate Ladies program helps women in corporate jobs balance many roles. As workers, wives…

The AMI Media & Visibility Program uses media to spread our message and grow our impact. We want to reach more…

Other Activities

Abigail Ministry International (AMI) reaches beyond its main programs with “AMI Beyond Borders….